German Wehrmacht NCO Infanterie Waffenrock Set Schirmmütze+Jacket+Trousers+Walking Out Belt, Part I Of VI. (142) German Wehrmacht NCO Infanterie Waffenrock Set Schirmmütze+Jacket+Trousers+Walking Out Belt, Part I Of VI. (142) German Wehrmacht NCO Infanterie Waffenrock Set Schirmmütze+Jacket+Trousers+Walking Out Belt, Part I Of VI. (142) German Wehrmacht NCO Infanterie Waffenrock Set Schirmmütze+Jacket+Trousers+Walking Out Belt, Part I Of VI. (142) German Wehrmacht NCO Infanterie Waffenrock Set Schirmmütze+Jacket+Trousers+Walking Out Belt, Part I Of VI. (142) German Wehrmacht NCO Infanterie Waffenrock Set Schirmmütze+Jacket+Trousers+Walking Out Belt, Part I Of VI. (142) German Wehrmacht NCO Infanterie Waffenrock Set Schirmmütze+Jacket+Trousers+Walking Out Belt, Part I Of VI. (142) German Wehrmacht NCO Infanterie Waffenrock Set Schirmmütze+Jacket+Trousers+Walking Out Belt, Part I Of VI. (142) German Wehrmacht NCO Infanterie Waffenrock Set Schirmmütze+Jacket+Trousers+Walking Out Belt, Part I Of VI. (142) German Wehrmacht NCO Infanterie Waffenrock Set Schirmmütze+Jacket+Trousers+Walking Out Belt, Part I Of VI. (142)

German Wehrmacht NCO Infanterie Waffenrock Set Schirmmütze+Jacket+Trousers+Walking Out Belt, Part I Of VI. (142)

60 photos available for see the quality and condition of this nice set. The biggest damages, (from our "friends" the moths), are on photos, nothing serious and I would say this is a set in Mint condition. The trousers need a 5 centimeters restitching above the left side pocket, it is on a photo. The Schirmmütze still has its original metal ring inside, the ring used for held the plate form and 99% of the times removed and throwed away. I cannot say if all the parts belong to the same guy, as the set came from a collection and not from an attic find. Collector told me "yes, all from same guy", but.... I don´t know it for sure.
For shipping ask me about, please.

Code: 51949