German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside. German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside. German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside. German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside. German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside. German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside. German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside. German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside. German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside. German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside. German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside. German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside. German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside. German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside.

German Wehrmacht Nebelhandgranate 39 Metal Case Smoke Stickgrenades M39 Late War, Wonderful Example Inside.

This case has the inside paint scheme found on many boxes from 1943 onwards, red primer with just some "sprays" of Feldgrau or Panzer Grey in the case of the 5 cm Mortar cases. You can see inside is pristine and ORIGINAL. I understand that some "new people to the hobby" may think that to find a 79 years old case in this condition is imposible, but it isn´t.... You are seeing one, for example. The markings I found are on the photos, I have seen the + on other cases also, but have no idea what it means.

Now about shipping, all will depend on your location as there are several options of shipping depending where you live, expect around 25 euro for some countries in Europe, around 40 euro for other European countries and around 95 euro for out of Europe. You can buy the box and ask later, no problem, for avoid other can buy it while emails going in an out, this happened to me and I know it is very frustrating.

Code: 52760

275.00 EUR